All living things on the earth depend on water.animals as well as Plants need water to survive and grow.most of the life processes animals and plants occur in the medium of water. It also helps animals to keep cool. The blood in our body is mostly water. water also helps to keep our muscles and joints running smoothly. Nearly three-fourths of the earth’s surface is covered with WATER. About 70% of the human body is water.
Basics of Water Treatment
Water quality improvement entails the disinfection and purification of untreated ground and surface water.
At Local level
The function of a public or private water treatment facility is to make water potable (safe to drink) and palatable (pleasant to taste) while also ensuring that there is a sufficient supply of water to meet the community’s needs.
Raw and untreated water is obtained from an underground aquifer (usually through wells) or a surface water source, such as a lake or river. It is pumped, or flows, to a treatment facility. Once there, the water is pre-treated to remove debris such as leaves and silt. Then, a sequence of treatment processes — including filtration and disinfection with chemicals or physical processes — destroys disease-causing microorganisms. When the treatment is complete, water flows out into the community through a network of pipes and pumps that are commonly referred to as the distribution system.
Public vs. Private
What’s the difference between public and private water treatment facilities?
Public, municipal systems are owned and operated by the cities or towns they serve, and they’re typically under the management of a mayor or other elected official. Private systems range from individual wells serving a single household, to small corporate associations that provide water to a small group of homes, or to large corporations that have their own water service divisions. Whether public or private, all U.S. water utilities that serve more than 25 people must adhere to water quality standards established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as state and local regulations.
Point-of-Use and Point-of-Entry Treatment
Point-of-Use (POU) devices treat water at the point of consumption. The technology provides the final barrier to the contaminants of concern before the water is consumed or used. Some commonly used technologies include:
Point-of-Entry (POE) devices are whole-house treatment systems mainly designed to reduce contaminants in water intended for showering, washing dishes and clothes, brushing teeth, and flushing toilets.
Clean drinking water is an essential part of daily life, so it’s no surprise humans have created many ways to treat water. In fact, water filtration systems have long been a part of civilization, dating as far back as ancient times. Filter technologies vary greatly but it is difficult to crown one system as superior since the different types serve different purposes.
Because our systems are installed by licensed plumbers, pricing includes everything needed to ensure a safe and quality installation.
Yes! We have systems to remove harmful fluoride from the water which is great news for people with thyroid issues and babies. Take a moment to view the danger warnings about fluoride on any toothpaste tube!
Alkaline water is accomplished by raising the PH level which is said to help provide more oxygen in the blood which in turn is said to give a person more energy.
Many studies show that the effects of chlorine in water is very bad on the human body. We are exposing ourselves daily, even if you don’t drink water with chlorine you are bathing in it. Even worse when showering the chlorine vapors are being inhaled and going directly into our bloodstream.
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